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April 27, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 27, 2015  -- 6 PM
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy (arriving at 6:30 PM) and interim T.A. Robert Reed., Advisory Board members present were David Cruise, Bill Lawton, George Handy, Jim O’Coin and John Shipman.
6:05 PM  New Business
Mark Fiandaca in for Friends of Mechanics Hall with plans for the spring—planting annuals and removing some hedges. Edith M. asked about maintenance of plantings and he said neighbors—including himself—would water etc. He submitted a let requesting placing signs at several corners for events. He reported fundraising efforts have garnered close to $10,000 to date. The Friends have structural reports in recent years from WPI students and a building consultant.
        Selectmen voted all in favor (missing Neil) to approve use of the site and signage.
6:15 PM  The two members voted all in favor to make six  Reserve Fund Transfers:  $1,600 to the Election Salary Account; $800 to Election Expenses; $200 to Town Accountant Expenses; $425 to Assessors Principal Clerk; $3,800 to T.A. Salary Account for accrued vacation; $5,765 for Veterans Services Expenses.
6:20 PM  To fill a request from DCR for potential acquisition of a 72-acre parcel, Stan M. signed as BOS clerk and Neil S. was named (after a vote by both selectmen) to sign a waiver of the 120 days required for the town to exercise “right of first refusal” on Chapter 61 land.
        Selectmen (2) voted all in favor for approval of cemetery lot purchase for $400.
        Noting that letters came in from Facilities Planning Committee volunteers, selectmen agreed to contact the ones who did not include any qualifications, as they seek people with experience in construction, facilities or financial planning or management. The committee will be analytical and asked to come up with options, after which there will be public hearings.
        Addressing a request from Pain In The Mass (bicycle) Tour 2015, with about 100 participants, to be held Aug. 22, selectmen voted all in favor to approve use of town roads, subject to any conditions set by fire or police chiefs.
6:45 PM  Old Business
Both boards reviewed Annual Town Meeting Warrant & FY’16 Budget, one article at a time, with Neil asked for comments. Bob R. noted that this latest version of the warrant included slight changes from town counsel and an additional article would authorize using insurance for Princeton Center building if the cost is over $20,000. The salary budgets were adjusted up to cover an extra day in FY’16 and George H. questioned the actual figures, as they were larger than one day’s worth of salaries in several departments. Bob attributed some increases to implementation of the ‘step increase plan’ which was done after a salary study and put into place in the last fiscal year. Article 7 will be passed over and Article 8 will request $30,388 to fill a Highway Dept. deficit for snow & ice (road salt). The boards decided to put proposed dollar amounts in the warrants italicized “explanations” with the actual figures to be stated in the motions. In Art. 11, selectmen upped the $35,000 for roof repair to $80,000 and discusses the need for a new boiler at the library. Art. 13 authorizes selectmen to approve a new lease agreement with WR School District for no more than 10 years. There was discussion around a $6,000 request for a mower for the Cemetery Commission with a question about sharing or using Hwy. Dept. equipment, and that concept will have to wait until next year, they decided. Art. 24 asks to spend up to $120,000 for flooring tiles at TP School.
8 PM    Selectmen voted all in favor to approve warrant as amended and sign it (within next two days) after all edits are made.
Moving forward to hire town administrator: it was announced that the screening committee will meet Tuesday afternoon for a strategy session. Bob R. distributed a brochure the Collins group produced outlining the position.

8:10 PM  Selectmen recessed the BOS meeting and opened the Princeton Broadband MLP meeting. Stan M. read documents sent to Matrix Design Group over last months and reported that a proposed operating agreement and issues concerning control of infrastructure after the system in up and running were unresolved. The MLP attorney suggested dissolving the “memo of understanding” with Matrix because they could not meet legal requirements. The MLP board voted all in favor to dissolve the contract with Matrix. As the BOS, they voted all in favor to petition bond counsel for authorization to get money for the “make ready” work along the roads. The town already voted borrowing up to $1.2 million make-ready but has not started the process yet—need approval from bond counsel to put out bid.
        Neil S. praised the Broadband Committee for following through until the MOU event was exhausted. The Mass. Broadband Initiative may supply up to 50 percent with grants for design, project management or construction. A regional merge of efforts may bring more grant money. The BOS/MLP voted all in favor to authorize the chair of the Select Board and the chair of the MLP to sign letters/MOU documents.
8:50 PM  the MLP board voted all in favor to adjourn and the BOS reconvened.
Selectmen noted that letters regarding Princeton Center Building will be forwarded to the Facilities Planning Committee once it’s gotten started. They also read an E&D report from Monty Tech.
        David Cruise thanked the Broadband Committee and MLP/BOS for efforts on broadband. Selectmen noted that Atty. Judy Pickett is now engaged with the Law Office of Thomas Mullen, and they approved designating that office as Princeton’s town counsel. It was announced that DCR has forwarded a PILOT payment totaling $255,315 for the year.
9 PM  Stan and Edith voted to approve the minutes from April 16. After Neil returned to his seat, the board and several Advisory members discussed the WRSD lease and maintenance agreement, as the old one expired last June 30.

9:15 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: ATM Warrant and FY’16 budget summary documents; WRSD lease agreement; letter from Friends of Mechanics Hall. Documents from DCR for Chapter 61 release; letters came in from Facilities Planning Committee volunteers; request from Pain In The Mass (bicycle) Tour 2015; six  Reserve Fund Transfers; documents sent to Matrix Design Group.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department